You likely wear a t-shirt during most of the week. You always will. A t-shirt will never go out of style. Have you thought about where it comes from? No, not the store you bought it from, before that. Before the brand got it and before a factory mass produced blanks. NPR decided to document the entire t-shirt making process from the cotton being picked to it being delivered to you. If your interested in getting into the fashion industry, this is important and something you should probably familiarize yourself with. If not, it’s still really interesting and you should check it out. Watch the entire process below. Click here if you want even more info on the process.


Introducing: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt from NPR on Vimeo.

COTTON: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt (Part I) from NPR on Vimeo.

MACHINES: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt (Part II) from NPR on Vimeo.

PEOPLE: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt (Part III) from NPR on Vimeo.

BOXES: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt (Part IV) from NPR on Vimeo.

YOU: Planet Money Makes A T-Shirt (Part V) from NPR on Vimeo.

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